суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

chinese traditional garment

Hello LiveJournal. Iapos;m at Borders in downtown Chicago (Michigan Ave to be exact). I like living so close to a big city, itapos;s nice to be in the middle of all the commotion and feed off the energy of a busy downtown sometimes. You can be anonymous but still be around a lot of people.

Today I attended a 3 hour discussion on course design. It wasnapos;t so bad really... Except someone said he thought the readings were *easy* and straightforward. Well....ok good for him. I should keep in mind heapos;s from the humanities and is probably used to reading abstract rambling academic papers. I had a lot of trouble understanding the readings...and was hoping Iapos;d get a better understanding from the discussion. However it seemed the level of discussion wasnapos;t as abstract or deep as the readings and didnapos;t really connect to or explain the readings as much as I would have liked. Anyway, this weekend I�have to write a 2 page reflective essay on course design based on the readings and discussion. I hope I do ok....I know this is probably an easy task for many people, but I havenapos;t taken a humanities class in many years and was never very good at writing. Oh well, Iapos;ll do my best.

So, as I already mentioned earlier in a post, the Lamictal gave me a rash... So I had to stop that. I think itapos;s part of what threw me into this latest battle with depression. I called my pdoc today since the rash is pretty much gone and asked what to do� next. He called in a scrip for Wellbutrin XL. Iapos;m gonna pick it up tonight and start it tomorrow. I really hope it helps.... Iapos;ve been on Wellbutrin before but it was a long time ago and it was with a different med combination and it wasnapos;t the XL formulation. Wellbutrin could potentially really help with the anhedonia I continually experience. *crosses fingers*� I just also donapos;t want to get my hopes up and then be disappointed. But I guess I just have to keep trying things until something (hopefully) works. I donapos;t have much of a choice really. Other than giving up.....which Iapos;m trying to keep from going down that path.

airline portugal, chinese traditional garment, chinese traditional herbs, chinese traditional holiday, chinese traditional holidays.

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